Thursday, September 24, 2009

So this is what the baby is going to look like...

Sorry folks, I couldn't resist. You simply go to upload a picture of yourself, have it morphed with a pic of your partner (or celebrity) and voila - you have a pic of your future baby.

So what do you guys think? I think she's kinda

Monday, September 21, 2009

35/35 today! woo-hoo

35 weeks left and 35 days to go. I"m almost there. This week's appointment is on Thursday and I'll be given the Group B strep test. In short, strep is a type of bacteria than can be passed to a newborn during labor. If you test positive, they basically start you up on antibiotics so that the baby's chances of getting infected are reduced.

How big is Baby?

Here is a cool video of weeks 28-37 (last trimester). So far so good, I'm tired and feel achy. The little one is running out of space and every now and then I get bouts of insomnia. Its funny how nature works. I'm scared of labor and delivery but that feeling is slowly starting to fade with restlessness - I WANT AN OUTSIDE BABY ALREADY~!

My family calls me everyday to check in and make sure I'm ok. K, is making sure that I absolutely do *nothing* around the house so that I don't end up hurting his 'golden child' in any way lol. I think by far, he has become the most amazing, supportive, loving husband in the world. He has even gone as far as cooking some of the meals throughout the week and even baking some desserts. If you guys know anything my husband, he doesn't bake. However, he gladly puts on his chef's hat and willing to wear many others for the sake of my happiness. God, I lurrrrrve him.

At night, he'll sit and talk to my belly for minutes on end. "What's going on in there?....How are you doing?" he asks the baby. She kicks on cue as if in response her daddy's voice. Its by far, one of the things I most enjoy about this pregnancy- both of them trying to communicate with each other through the wall that is my belly.

Its crazy to think of how much we love each other and in love we both are with our daughter. And she hasn't even been born yet! I'd hate to sound sappy but I've sat there and pinched myself. I seem to have stumbled upon the family life I always wanted and dreamed of.

Then, I remember there are no coincidences. K, and I have fought hard to make it through together all these years. Events in our life wont always be puppies and rainbows. I'm sure we'll see more stormy weather. Yet, its these moments I try to record in my heart in mind. These are the times when 'living the moment' and just enjoying the day are in order.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Shape of a Mother

God, I love this website. To sit here and say that I fully embrace motherhood and everything that it brings would be a lie. I have my days. Although, I know being a mother will be one of the most rewarding things I'll ever be in this life - I still have some gripes. Get ready, because they are the most vain reasons or concerns you'll hear.

What are those reasons you say? Its the changes my body is going through. Forget the 30lb weight gain. I have full confidence that I'll burn that, eventually. Its the more permanent changes like.......the 2 inch drop my already heavy breasts have taken. It's the belly that looks like its been mauled by a tiger. Worst of all, I know its all the sagging skin that might not pop back into place.... *le sigh*

I told you, I have my days. Most of the time I feel like everyday is xmas. I look forward to being a mother. I yern for the day I get to breastfeed and kiss my little girl good night. Sometimes, I randomly get giddy with excitement knowing she'll be in our arms soon ----but like I said, I have my days. Its the days where I dramatically fling myself on my bed knowing my body has forever changed. Its the days I have to turn off the TV and no longer want to be bombarded with size 2 women dancing on the tv screen. lol.

But me being me I have ways to snap myself out of funks like these. Its done by giving myself a pep talk that usually goes like this *ahem*

"STFU, this is not about you"

So I turn to websites like these

and remind myself that we are not all able to pop out kids and look like Heidi Klum.

Baby Shower (dude, I have to update more often!)

8/15/2009. It was amazing. Sorry its taken me so long to make a post. My family and friends did an AMAZING job. The gifts I received were incredible. K, the baby and I couldn't be more happy. Here are some cute pics...