Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Shape of a Mother


God, I love this website. To sit here and say that I fully embrace motherhood and everything that it brings would be a lie. I have my days. Although, I know being a mother will be one of the most rewarding things I'll ever be in this life - I still have some gripes. Get ready, because they are the most vain reasons or concerns you'll hear.

What are those reasons you say? Its the changes my body is going through. Forget the 30lb weight gain. I have full confidence that I'll burn that, eventually. Its the more permanent changes like.......the 2 inch drop my already heavy breasts have taken. It's the belly that looks like its been mauled by a tiger. Worst of all, I know its all the sagging skin that might not pop back into place.... *le sigh*

I told you, I have my days. Most of the time I feel like everyday is xmas. I look forward to being a mother. I yern for the day I get to breastfeed and kiss my little girl good night. Sometimes, I randomly get giddy with excitement knowing she'll be in our arms soon ----but like I said, I have my days. Its the days where I dramatically fling myself on my bed knowing my body has forever changed. Its the days I have to turn off the TV and no longer want to be bombarded with size 2 women dancing on the tv screen. lol.

But me being me I have ways to snap myself out of funks like these. Its done by giving myself a pep talk that usually goes like this *ahem*

"STFU, this is not about you"

So I turn to websites like these


and remind myself that we are not all able to pop out kids and look like Heidi Klum.


  1. Well, I feel better!
    You know that saying "It took 9 months to put the weight on, it'll take 9 more to take it off?"
    My 9 months will be up in a 1 1/2 months and I don't think I'm going to make it. Can I file for an extension?

  2. You need to add another two inches by the time you are done breastfeeding, and the skin does go back in place it just doesn't look the same! The funny thing is that your boddy suffers more after each pregnacy.

