Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sprinkler + Shower Curtain = Baby Water Park

ok, so maybe not a real water park but that's what it probably felt like to Kennedy. I purchased a $9 sprinkler at Ace Hardware.

I could have gotten it cheaper ($4) but I went with a fancy one that had different dials on it. I also happened to have a shower curtain we weren't using anymore:

I laid that sucker out on the grass, set the sprinkler in the middle, and there you have it ladies and gentlemen - a water yard.............................

The thought of her sitting on the grass with icky insects crawling up her baby butt bothered me. The curtain is perfect for creating a barrier against ticks and such. Either way, I thoroughly inspected my munchkin before going back in. You could never be too safe, especially with ticks and fleas camping out in our yard.

We spent about 45 mins outside. The day was just too hot to go walking with the stroller + mommy and baby wanted to keep cool. Kennedy, who usually has tons of separation anxiety bouts, was so entertained by her water yard, she played the last 15 mins all by herself!


You don't understand, this kid doesn't let me leave her side. When I do have to leave her alone for a moment, crying usually ensues. But not this time! I ran in to get our towels from the sun room and when I peeked out the window - she looked back *once* and kept playing with he sprinkler. Who gives a sh*t about mommy when I got all this fun around me!

Alleluia!!!!! God does listen to prayers!


  1. Isaiah's the same way and when we were in Ohio the Dr. had a conference about the trail we were going to do and explain everything. so since it's not Miami; they have these volunteers with toys in another room and they want us to leave our kids there... Isaiah has never been away from us only in surgery so u could imagine. i was like babe, he's not going to stay here.. WHAT! we left came back an hour later all the other kids left and Isaiah didn't even ask for us once! ::sigh:: when he starts school he's gonna forget about me :(

  2. Sugey, Kennedy has her own water park. jeje

  3. cristal, i know!!! I had the same thoughts!! lol
