Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dear little one...a 22 week letter

Dear little one,

Today has been a rough day. I tried to get the tshirt machine to cut on suede vinyl and it wasn't working. In fact, I made it worse. The machine now wont work at all. I was so distraught that when I called in to trouble shoot to the manufacturer, a tech support person showed their human side. The tech was even telling me not to stress and that "everything would be ok".

Why am I blabbing on about a tshirt machine if this letter was meant to be for you? That's because I wanted to make an extra $100 this week to put it towards your nursery. I'm talking the basics here, like your crib. Don't worry, your daddy is doing fine financially. Actually, if he sees this letter - he'd rip it up and tell you that your mother is a worry wart. Which by the way, he may be right.

I just love you so much. I don't want to give you the basics, I want to give you everything possible shy of spoiling you :-). So as I sat and pondered how much money I was going to lose in this week's tshirt sales, I remembered we don't need that extra money. I use the term "need" loosely here. Will you really care if your nursery decor matched? Will you feel that we loved you any less because we didn't purchase that $300 stroller?

Me thinks you wont notice these things :-). I have a hunch that what you will be comforted by is how much your daddy and I loved you and held you. You'll know if your mommy feeds you on time and if daddy was nice enough to change your diaper from time to time. Because really, will you really care if we didn't dole out our savings on the most expensive travel system @ Babies R US ?

Little one, you're teaching me a lot already. I waited for you for such a long time and through out that journey alone - you have taught me patience. Now, you're helping me find a very much needed equilibrium in my life. You want a nice, calm, HAPPY mommy. If bringing in an extra $100 gives yields a nervous, frantic gestational host (lol) , I have hunch you'll take the latter.

woooooo zaaaaaaaaaaaa

Your mommy

PS: Your daddy and I can't wait to see you. Oh and here is another thing you wont remember but read about later. Michael Jackson died today and yes, I cried. I never purchased a cd/tape or was a crazy fan but I did enjoy his music. Its just that the tshirt machine wouldn't work and now MJ dies??? I sobbed like a baby. Damn you hormones!!!!! I don't do this!!!


  1. Yes it is hormones.
    Nothing wrong with worrying.
    Already so loved!

  2. I still own a working 1983 VHS copy of "The Making of Thriller."

  3. tina baloochestanyJuly 6, 2009 at 11:27 PM

    you're letter to your baby just made me cry! it was so cute and touching, full of your sweet personality ugh i miss you so much and can't wait to see you and of course steal the baby! lol
